Of course you can tweak it to match your tastes and preferences as well, but we like it this way. I almost always have frozen corn on hand though, so I adapted it a bit and added a little more liquid to compensate for the lack of corn. I almost never have cans of corn or creamed corn in the pantry unless I know for sure I am going to use it for something specific. The biggest change I made was using frozen corn. We have tweaked the recipe a bit, cutting down on the amount of butter added and adjusting cook times to work better in our slow cookers. She has made it a number of times since and so have I. MiMi shared this recipe with us very early on in the blog’s life. It is also a perfect low maintenance side dish for serving guests at a BBQ or perfectly easy to take to a potluck. It is a fun way to have your starchy side and vegetable all in one.

If you can’t imagine corn in your macaroni and cheese, it’s only because you haven’t tried it yet.